
Friday, August 30th, 2002

Donning my entrepreneurial hat today, sort of… I’ve been looking into various payment and registration systems… Ugh! Too many options! Fees and conditions vary quite wildly. seems pretty good so far, as long as people dont mind using it to pay for software. But then isn’t that the big question: Will people mind paying for software? I hope not, because otherwise I’m screwed. It is surprisingly hard to find evidence of successful shareware vendors online, because no one is exactly going to post "I made $X last year!".

I have actually toyed with the idea of posting such information myself, if I ever get the financial side of things worked out (and make some software available of course). Of course I probably won’t [post such information], for probably the same reason that other people don’t: I’m guessing that if you’re doing well you dont want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself, and if you’re doing badly you’re too embarrassed to tell anyone.

BTW, if you’re interested in signing up for you may be eligible for a $5 bonus, and if you sign up using then I will also be eligible for that bonus. Sound good? Well, it’s not a bad deal, but it should be noted that to get the bonus you have to spend $250 at some point, so the whole referral thing may be a bit of a scam.


I’ve been bringing my regular expression syntax back into line with Perl style… I had some wierd stuff in there for ease of use. To be honest I don’t think it’s that important to stick to the Perl style, what with it’s ugly mix of reserved and special characters. I’m considering supporting a totally unambiguous syntax which clearly delineates control characters and literal characters. Most people dont know any regexp stuff anyway, not least because it is so damn ugly and complicated looking.


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