
Friday, September 13th, 2002

There was a freakily well made fictio-mentary (or docu-drama) on telly tonight, called Smallpox 2002 - Silent Weapon . When I heard the title, I thought blech! That sounds like a tacky piece of junk, but then I ended up watching the whole thing and got rather spooked at how real it all seemed. The people being interviewed were fantastic, I think possibly because at least some of them were "real" ie they are in real life experts in the fields portrayed in the show.

Here’s a cute site. I feel a kind of empathy with this person, and am distressed at the idea that only 1 in 5000 people donated money through PayPal. I’m going to check out the calendar and if it’s any good (if I keep it) I think I will make a donation. I suppose what that implies is that "voluntary" shareware is a pretty much a joke, and only trial ware (or cripple-ware!) is going to make people get out their e-wallets.

Have been working on a few items this week… and seriously planning to put some stuff online really really soon now ;)

has very nice selection modes now, with word, line and paragraph modes to facillitate the whole process. One tricky thing about word selecting is working out where to end the selection. For instance in this selection the space following the word selection is also selected. This seems to be the default in most word processing applications, because it makes dragging and dropping words easier (because the selection ends with a space, the end of pasted text won’t butt up against another word). The problem is that if what you are selecting is a password, to be copied into a box as *******, you dont want that extra space, as it will stuff up your password without it being immediately apparent why. One option is to reserve the special Ctrl-click to select a single word with notrailing space.

got a bit of a revamp this last week, with the ability to specify a filter for simplifying a search, as well as better sorting on Author and Title text. (also added the option to view author names ‘Raw’ which simply shows them as they appeared in the index, eg: "William Shakepeare" instead of "Shakespeare, William"). Should be putting a version up any day now. Any day. Any.


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