More downloads

Tuesday, February 25th, 2003

Am starting to get a steady trickle of visitors who actually download something (fairly rare normally). Most of these are people who have kindly volunteered as , but it is gratifying to note the odd unsolicited visitor who Googles in and downloads something related to their search query (eg a sample book or jujutool, both of which can be found at the delightful )

Hmmm… it’s hard to see which might be more boring: talking about site traffic or talking about software. I wish I had something more stimulating to offer. How about… the fact that I’m anti-war! How’s that for a controversial stance, eh?

Speaking of George…

Almost got sucked into working on again tonight… that project is very off limits because of its amazing ability to make whole months disappear at a time. Part of the reason for this is that testing involves a lot of zooming about looking at pretty imagery of planets and stars, and before I know it I’ve inched another couple of hours along the time line. Unfortunately for my 3d programmer’s ego, it is all a bit old fashioned now, although I’m still not sure if anyone has actually bothered to make a realistic space flight simulator (with realistic physics and no bogus star wars viscous ether to fly around in).


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