The Kindly Wizard

Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

“Buy a Mac, and with a wave of my magic wand I shall port all of your code for you!”

I’m [vaguely] considering the possibility of buying a Mac, because coding for the perennially ugly Windows OS is exacerbating my inferiority complex. Maybe just a small one



  1. RichardN says:

    What no comments yet?! This is big news - time for all the Fan-Boys/Girls to come out with whatever crazy half-baked propaganda they can to convince Mark to jump the M$ ship [or not as the case may be].

    My point of view? I’m installing XCode on my PowerBook right now and then I will set up a user account called Mr.JuJu - anyone want to try and stop me?

  2. ben says:

    Do it.

  3. shaun says:

    Pfft. Forget MS and Apple. How about coding homebrew stuff for Dreamcast? Now there’s a small but fervid audience!

  4. Tim says:

    I’m a little late to the converstation but, Go Mark!  Drivey’s just a little app but its images are contemplative and beautiful.  Runs OK in Virtual PC but it would be way more smooth if it was native.

  5. Kurt says:

    Yeah… OS X is great
    And if you’re waiting for the IntelMacs to come out before you switch, so you can create universal binaries… don’t… you can make universal binaries in XCode 2.1 (and that is downloadable for free right now)

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