Live from Orcland

Saturday, August 20th, 2005

Like that pun isn’t getting old by now ;) [writing from Auckland, New Zealand]

Have been in NZ past few days, and this is the first time I’ve actually gotten online since I came here. Two days without internet feels like having my arms cut off [except for the excruciating pain and loss of blood of course].

There are old volcanos right in the city here! I went up and stood of the crater rim of Mt Eden– amazing! I wanted to go down into the crater, but there were signs everywhere saying “keep out” and another guy was already down there spelling out words in rocks.

At internet cafe now, which is not really my preferred access point, so I might sign off now…

UPDATE: Back in Sydney now, looking at my paltry collection of generic scenery snapshots. Ah well. Here’s a shot looking across that crater I mentioned:



  1. Scott says:

    Nice Orc!  I was actually scrolling down the page looking at past posts when I noticed the head pop up from the crater.

  2. mark says:

    Funny thing is, it didn’t even occur to me to use a picture of an Orc! I just thought: Hmmm… I think I need some kind of monster jumping out of this hole.

    And so my mind turned immediately to The Black Beast of…

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