This is not my cat

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

But I am enjoying his company. I like cats but am not ready to adopt one of my own, since I can’t really say where I’m going to be more than a year ahead of time, and cat ownership can be a super humungous pain when you want to move. Buddy, as I call him, because he is my buddy, turned up over the Easter weekend, and has been hanging around ever since—perhaps because he is always hungry and I feed him tuna and smoked chicken. He has a collar but no tag, so I guess someone is probably worried about him somewhere. But should I snub him and assume he will find his way home?



  1. Scott says:

    Nah, don’t snub him. I would bet he is living comfortably with another family also. He looks healthy.

  2. mark says:

    My upstairs neighbors are also feeding him— they call him Cosmo :)

  3. dirtymouse says:

    i’d call him slick. what does snub mean, to snuff or nab or ignore?

    get a keyboard protector.

    watch out for the unkempt desire to keep a cat. they live 20+ years! You’ll be 60+ when it dies. friend for 50% of your life if you’re not careful. not that there is anything wrong with that.

    all future lovers adapt!

  4. mark says:

    snub = ignore

    I have an “out” in that case… upstairs neighbors love him and have a 9 year old girl, so I can kick him out if I decide he is too much of a hassle :)

    (he is probably about a year old, still very kitten-ish)

  5. Jed says:

    looks delicious

  6. lidna says:

    Awwwwwww. Lucky you! I prowl the streets looking for lonely pussycats, but London cats are like London people - not interested.

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