For some reason I find myself obsessed by the notion of Print-on-Demand services. A while back I discovered Xlibris, which looks very cool and has options for getting ISBN numbers as well as sending copies to the Library of Congress [the most "official" way of having your copyright recognized], but it also has up-front fees for each book [starting at $500].
I later found out that CafePress was offering on-demand book printing to go with all its other POD merchandising, although they only had ring bound or stapled binding options… great for tech manuals and magazines but no good for a novel.
Until now that is.
It appears that CafePress are finally offering Perfect-Binding as an option, which means that for absolutely no up-front fee you can put your very own paperback book online for anyone to buy. The cost [US dollars] per book is $7 + 3 cents per page, which means a 300 page novel costs $16. Sure that’s probably a bit steep compared to an average paperback, but this is not an average paperback! This is your paperback!
It’s also worth noting [for non US types like m’self] that CafePress international postage is $7 for first item + $4 per additional item, as compared to Amazon’s ridiculously expensive $7 per shipment + $5 per item [meaning a single book from Amazon would cost me $12 in postage!]
Quality Concerns
One of my big concerns with a "virtual" store like CafePress is that you can’t handle the merchandise to see whether it is of reasonable quality. People don’t seem to discuss it very much either, or if they do they will say things like "I heard it was crap quality" or "I heard it was great" etc.
So to resolve my concerns, I am attempting to publish a test book, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court , which I will purchase myself. I will then post my feelings about the quality of the finished product (especially noting discrepancies between what I uploaded and what I receive in the post). Assuming I am happy with the result, I will probably go into much more detail about the methods used to create a book.
So far the uploading process has been rather harrowing, with lots of timeouts, but the text [PDF format only] is finally up and I have just completed uploading the cover art.
To the right is a portion of the interface you use to create your cover, using separate images for the front, back and spine. You just click on the bit you want to change and upload a new image. How cool is that?
One last thing…
Cafepress are offering amazing bulk discounts at the moment [for orders over 15 items], so that I can actually order 20 copies of Mark Twain’s classic for only $80! At this rate the international postage costs more than the books themselves, at $83.
OK, I’ll shut up now and wait until I get an actual book in my actual hands to see if the service is actually as good as it sounds ;)