Half-Life 2: Completed!
Friday, November 26th, 2004Well that was gruelling! Now finally I can get back to whatever it is I normally spend my time doing…
My final verdict — like it matters what I think — is that HL2 is bloody omazing, and the only things that interfered with my willing suspension of disbelief were a couple of hoary old FPS chestnuts like:
- Being stuck in a hole because for some reason your heroic character can’t climb onto a ledge above chest height. This limitation seems pretty stupid to me, especially after a game like Prince of Persia.
- The tendency to accidentally walk off ledges and the clumsiness of climbing ladders… again PoP showed that this kind of stuff could be handled better.
- Other characters’ feet still seem to skitter about as they walk; This one really irks me because it breaks the illusion of reality, and I’m sure more could be done to rectify it… Ironically, dead characters can often seem more life-like than living ones, because once someone dies they stop following pre-animated sequences and become a "rag-doll", fully integrated into the [mostly] excellent physics engine. *
- Other "friend" characters have an annoying habit of standing right in front of you, blocking your way, which is really frustrating when you’re in a hurry because someone is shooting at you.
These grievances are minor however, and on the whole I found HL2 an immersive and enjoyable experience.
* Example: At one point I accidentally sent a squad member into the line of fire [ I was trying to instruct her to run across the road, but she seemed to think I meant: "go stand in the open and engage that hidden sniper" ]. Of course she was shot dead almost instantly, and as the sniper’s round struck she was thrown backwards in a sickeningly convincing way — up until that point she had just been an annoying character spitting out predictable one-liners, but then as she died it all seemed so real for a moment, and I felt really bad.
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