A blander shade of grey
Saturday, November 27th, 2004Ta-dah! It’s a slightly new page design! Probably I should have injected a little more color into it, but being red-green color blind means it’s difficult to pick a scheme that I know won’t make others gag.
The layout I was using [based on Kubrick] just wasn’t working for me, because I had to eat up too much of the needed whitespace to fit my content onto the page. So I have gone for a more generic [but I hope clean and practical] layout, with no rounded corners and only 2 images [header and background]. I know the drop shadow thing is probably getting pretty cliche these days, but I have at least made sure that it does not contribute to the minimum page width [ie if you shrink your window down the drop shadow should happily disappear off the sides before the dreaded horizontal scrollbar appears]
That said, there is what appears to be a major glitch with IE running on windows: For some reason you can’t select the text on the main page! I have seen this problem before and always assumed it was due to crapped up CSS, but seriously this page works in every browser except IE on Windows, and even that will work fine if the page is loaded locally instead of from the website.
Whatever is causing it, I will be attempting to rectify the situation…
UPDATE: I think I have fixed the IE-can’t-select-text problem. It’s happened to a few other people it seems, referenced here and here, and seems to be vaguely related to CSS positioning attributes; getting rid of these has made the problem go away. Weirdly, it also stopped happening if I removed the
BTW, in case you think I’m just passing the blame for my own shitty layout onto MS, here’s a very popular page which will not allow you to select text properly in Windows+IE6, yet works fine in other browsers.
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