Devout Christians apparently believe that everything in the bible is true, especially the New Testament. Some of them believe this in a very literal sense, others in a sort of metaphorical/allegorical sense. As an atheist, I of course believe none of it— in any sense. Which is to say, I’m sure there’s some powerful stories in there, and it’s impressive in terms of verbiage, but I see nothing of the divine.
I consider atheism¹ to be a logical consequence of rationalism. Others might argue that rationalism itself is "just another belief system". Which is fine, let’s call it that. My belief system. Some people have faith in their God, I have faith in logic and reason, and there is no logical reason for me to believe in God.
So… out of my belief system and, say, George W Bush’s, which one predicts [nay, dictates] that the world as we know it will come to a violent end so that Jesus can return and reign for a thousand years?²
As a rational human being, I am unsettled by the prospect that the world is being run by people who may believe it is supposed to end, possibly sometime soon. If an impending catastrophe were to closely resemble biblical prophecy, can I really trust a religiously informed leader to do everything in his power to avert it?
1. Technically I am an agnostic, but many people are unsure about the exact meaning of that term, so it’s easier to just call myself an atheist. Sure, no one can prove that God doesn’t exist, but neither can we prove that unicorns don’t exist, and I don’t see the point in hedging; as far as I’m concerned, for all intents and purposes there is no God.
2. References to the thousand year reign are made in Revelations (20:2 - 7), although it should also be noted: “…one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (2 PE 3:8), so maybe the thousand year reign will be like, a day, and just seem like a thousand years.