Crap Design
Sunday, January 15th, 2006Can somebody please abolish:
- Toilet cubicles where the door opens inwards in such a way as to force you to step behind the toilet (or at least lean across it in a very awkward manner), usually exacerbated by the inappropriate placement of toilet paper dispenser exactly where you need to stand.
- Separate hot/cold taps [instead of mixer taps] for bathroom sinks, so that you have to choose to either burn or chill your hands, neither of which is particularly gratifying.
- Doors to public restrooms that also open inwards only, meaning that you have to touch the same handle which every other bathroom visitor touches on their way out— of whom more than 75% haven’t washed their freakin hands, because apparently they were raised in barns.
January 15th, 2006 at 4:15 pm
Oh man, you’ve really hit upon one of my pet peeves here. Just the other day as I was squeezing my way into a cubicle while trying to avoid rubbing against the toilet (and copping a toilet paper dispenser in the kidney in the process), I was wondering how on earth overweight people fare in such situations.
If I was obese, I think I’d wedge myself in the cubicle and then bleat like a panicked lamb until help arrived, just to make a point.
On the plus side, however, my pinky finger is getting really strong from pulling open the door to the restroom as I leave. I’m even thinking about making a little wrestler costume for it.
January 16th, 2006 at 1:12 pm
i use my index finger protected in the bottom of my T-shirt when opening such idiotic inwards germ festering doorways. As for those stupid roll dispensers, it a way of knocking those kidney stones out just before urinating.
January 17th, 2006 at 4:08 am
This reminds me of my friend Bartosz’s article about the bad design of the separate hot and cold taps:
January 21st, 2006 at 8:44 am
If you time it just right you can be on your way out as someone else is on their way in - thus you need not worry about touching the dirty door handle.
February 27th, 2006 at 2:51 pm
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